Early Childhood Education Reading Program


Early Childhood Education Reading Program

Early Childhood Education Reading Program

Junior Dps Preschool is your first child experience in a formal setting with teachers and groups of children. It is an opportunity to learn to share, to follow instructions, and to establish a foundation for learning that will take place in elementary school.

Junior Dps is one of the best kindergartens in Delhi, which offers a high quality early childhood education program. Highly trained teachers at Junior Dps Kindergarten in Delhi, India with a planned environment, time and activities that help develop children's social, emotional, mental, and physical abilities.

Here is the list why Early Childhood Education is Imporatnt

Children Build Confidence

A toddler, in order to learn, needs to feel cared for and protected by a teacher or caregiver. The child is able to spend time away from parents and build trust relationships with adults outside the family, which is a very important life skill that can only be considered by sending them to kindergarten where children are safe.

Children are capable of making decisions

Children have several career options; a child wandering aimlessly is encouraged to choose a favorite. Teachers recognize a child who is unable to figure out how to get into other children's games and may offer suggestions on how to join a group that also helps his or her child social skills and decision-making.

Children Learn to Care for Themselves

Children's sense of self-worth and self-esteem grows as they learn to take care of themselves and to help others; this is done diligently and well in a formal kindergarten. Teachers appeal to a young child’s desire to participate in “real work” by giving him or her opportunities to help the classroom, for example, by setting the table during meals or watering the plants.

Children are expected to wash their hands before a snack, keep personal items in their “cubby”, and place toys before moving on to something new. All of these activities help children to be more effective in the nursery class.


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